Feature news

The toucan is a distinctive and colorful bird known for its oversized

 The toucan is a distinctive and colorful bird known for its oversized, brightly-colored beak. Here are some key characteristics of toucans:

1. Appearance - Large, curved beak that can be up to half the length of their body - Vibrant colors, often with black bodies and brightly colored beaks - Relatively small for their beak size, typically 14-24 inches long 2. Habitat - Native to the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas - Found primarily in rainforests and woodlands 3. Diet - Omnivorous, eating fruits, insects, small lizards, and eggs - Use their long beaks to reach fruit on branches too small to support their weight 4. Behavior - Social birds, often seen in small flocks - Known for their noisy calls and bill-clapping sounds 5. Species - About 40 different species across five genera 6. Adaptations - Large beak is lightweight and helps regulate body temperature - Serrated edges on the beak help them grip and tear food 7. Cultural significance - Often featured in popular culture and as mascots - Important in some indigenous South American cultures
#toucanbird #toucan
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The Golden Opportunity in Obsolete Electronics: Unveiling the Hidden Treasure

  "The Golden Opportunity in Obsolete Electronics: Unveiling the Hidden Treasure"

In our rapidly evolving technological landscape, electronic devices quickly become obsolete, creating mountains of e-waste. However, hidden within these discarded gadgets lies a treasure trove of valuable materials, with gold being one of the most sought-after. The process of extracting gold from obsolete electronic components has garnered significant interest from both environmentalists and entrepreneurs alike.

Electronic devices, particularly older models, contain small amounts of gold in various components. Circuit boards, connectors, and even the pins of computer processors often utilize gold due to its excellent conductivity and resistance to corrosion. While the quantity of gold in a single device may be minimal, the sheer volume of e-waste generated globally makes gold recovery a potentially lucrative endeavor.

The extraction process, known as urban mining, involves several steps. First, the electronic components are sorted and dismantled. Then, through a combination of mechanical and chemical processes, the gold is separated from other materials. Common methods include leaching with chemicals like cyanide or aqua regia, followed by precipitation or electrowinning to recover the pure gold.

This practice not only has economic benefits but also contributes to environmental sustainability. By recycling precious metals from e-waste, we reduce the need for environmentally destructive traditional mining practices. Moreover, proper e-waste management prevents toxic materials from contaminating landfills and water sources.

However, it's crucial to note that gold extraction from electronics is not without challenges. The process requires specialized knowledge, equipment, and adherence to strict safety and environmental regulations. Improper handling of chemicals or e-waste can pose serious health and environmental risks.

As awareness grows about the value hidden in our discarded devices, more companies are investing in efficient and eco-friendly gold recovery methods. This emerging industry not only provides a new source of precious metals but also offers a solution to the growing e-waste problem.

In conclusion, the recovery of gold from obsolete electronic components represents a fascinating intersection of technology, economics, and environmental stewardship. As we continue to generate electronic waste, the ability to extract value from these discarded items becomes increasingly important. The gold in our gadgets serves as a reminder that even in obsolescence, our electronics may still hold significant worth.

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Remove the cpu pins with a hot air gun.

 Remove the cpu pins with a hot air gun.

I understand you're looking for a specific method to extract valuable materials from electronic components. Using a hot air gun to remove CPU pins can indeed be part of the process, but it's important to approach this carefully:

1. Safety first:

   - Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling potentially harmful fumes.

   - Wear protective gear like safety glasses and heat-resistant gloves.

   - Be aware of fire risks when using high heat.

2. Technique:

   - Set the hot air gun to an appropriate temperature (usually around 350-400°C).

   - Apply heat evenly to the pins, moving the gun constantly to avoid overheating.

   - Use tweezers or pliers to carefully remove the loosened pins.or knock the cpu gently on the floor

3. Collection:

   - Collect the removed pins in a heat-resistant container.

4. Next steps:

   - The pins may contain small amounts of gold or other precious metals.

   - Further processing (like chemical treatment) would be needed to extract the metals.

5. Consider alternatives:

   - Selling CPUs whole to specialized recyclers might be safer and more profitable.

   - They have industrial-scale processes to efficiently extract valuable materials.

Remember, while this method can work for removing pins, extracting and refining the actual precious metals is a complex, potentially dangerous process requiring specialized knowledge and equipment. Always prioritize safety and consider the environmental impact of your activities.

To process CPU pins containing gold, here are some important steps and considerations:

1. Collection and Separation:

 - Collect the removed CPU pins using a heat gun or other method.

 - Make sure the pins are separated from other components to make the process easier.

2. Processing Method:

 a. Acid Leaching (Aqua Regia):

 - Mix 3 parts hydrochloric acid (HCl) with 1 part nitric acid (HNO3).

 - Soak the pin in this solution to dissolve the gold.

 - Filter the solution and precipitate the gold using chemicals such as sodium metabisulfite.

 b. Smelting:

 - Melt the pin using a high temperature furnace (>1000°C).

 - Add flux to help metal separation.

 - Pour the melt into the mold and let it cool.

3. Security:

 - Use personal protective equipment such as acid-resistant gloves, safety glasses and gas mask.

 - Carry out the process in a well-ventilated area or use an acid hood.

 - Prepare fire fighting equipment and first aid equipment.

4. Environmental Considerations:

 - Ensure waste disposal complies with local regulations.

 - Avoid throwing chemicals or heavy metals into the environment.

5. Efficiency and Scale:

 - Note that the gold content in the CPU pins is relatively small.

 - This process may be more efficient if done on a large scale.

6. Alternative:

 - Consider selling CPU pins to professional precious metal processors who have specialized equipment and expertise.

Remember, this process involves dangerous chemicals and requires special knowledge. If you don't have the experience or proper equipment, it's best to leave this process to professionals to avoid safety and environmental risks.

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gold in ic chip and Read only memory rom

 gold in ic chip and Read only memory rom

The quantity of gold in an integrated circuit (IC) chip is typically very small. Here's a brief overview:

- Most IC chips contain only trace amounts of gold, usually in the range of micrograms to milligrams.

- Gold is primarily used for bonding wires that connect the silicon die to the chip's package leads.

- The exact amount varies depending on the chip's size, complexity, and manufacturing process.

- On average, a typical IC chip might contain about 0.5 to 1 milligram of gold.

Is there gold in the chip rom?

1. Many electronic components, including some ROM chips, do contain small amounts of valuable metals like gold, silver, and copper.

2. The quantities are typically very small - extracting them is not cost-effective or safe for individuals to attempt.

3. Proper electronics recycling is handled by specialized facilities with appropriate safety measures and environmental protections.

4. For individuals, the best approach is usually to recycle old electronics through official recycling programs or certified e-waste recyclers.

5. Many countries have laws regulating e-waste recycling to protect the environment and worker safety.

6. Often, the historic or collectible value of vintage computing equipment far exceeds the value of any precious metals they contain.

It's important to note that while gold is valuable, the quantity in individual IC chips is so small that recovering it is generally not economically viable for consumers. Large-scale electronic waste recycling facilities can extract gold and other precious metals more efficiently when processing large quantities of electronic components.

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can you tell me which one is the female fly? and male fly?

 Here are some key points about female flies:

- Female flies are instrumental for reproduction in fly species. Only females can lay eggs to produce offspring.

- Many female flies mate shortly after emerging as adults. Some store the sperm from mating to fertilize eggs over an extended period.

- To lay eggs, females seek out suitable sites like rotting organic matter, dung, or plants depending on the fly species. The eggs hatch into larvae (maggots).

- Female flies of some species deposit live larvae instead of eggs through a process called ovoviviparity.

- Certain female flies like the tsetse fly can transmit diseases to humans and animals when taking blood meals to nourish their eggs.

- Apart from reproduction, the behaviors and biology of female and male flies are generally quite similar within a given species in terms of feeding, lifespan, etc.

- Sexual dimorphism, or physical differences between males and females, is generally not highly pronounced in flies compared to some other insect groups.

So in summary, the primary distinguishing factor for female flies revolves around their role in mating, egg production and finding suitable environments to lay eggs/larvae to perpetuate the species.


Flies don't always exhibit obvious physical differences between the sexes that are easily discernible to the naked eye. The sex-related dimorphism (differences in appearance between males and females) can be quite subtle in many fly species.

However, here are some potential ways a male fly could sometimes be identified compared to a female:

1) Size - In some species, the male flies are slightly smaller than the females.

2) Eye size/spacing - Male flies often have larger eyes that may appear closer together or even touching.

3) Abdominal patterns/coloration - Males sometimes have slightly different color patterning, especially on the abdomen.

4) Claspers/genitalia - Males have external reproductive organs used for mating that may be visible upon very close inspection.

5) Behavior - Males are sometimes more territorial or engage in distinctive mating behaviors like swarming or lekking displays.

Without being able to observe characteristics like these, it's very challenging to tell male and female flies apart definitively, especially for non-experts. Let me know if you are able to provide a comparison image - that would allow me to analyze visual differences.

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ROM memory

 ROM stands for Read-Only Memory. It's a type of non-volatile computer memory that stores data which can be read but not easily modified. Here are some key points about ROM:

1. Purpose: ROM is primarily used to store firmware or software that rarely needs to be updated.

2. Non-volatile: The data in ROM remains even when the power is turned off.

3. Read-only: As the name suggests, data can only be read from ROM, not written to it under normal operating conditions.

4. Types of ROM:

   - Mask ROM: Programmed during manufacturing

   - PROM: Programmable ROM, can be programmed once

   - EPROM: Erasable Programmable ROM, can be erased with UV light

   - EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM, can be erased electrically

5. Uses: ROM is commonly used for:

   - BIOS in computers

   - Firmware in embedded systems

   - Game cartridges in older gaming systems

   - Look-up tables in various devices

6. Advantages: 

   - Data integrity (cannot be accidentally changed)

   - Fast read access

   - Non-volatile storage

7. Disadvantages:

   - Cannot be easily updated

   - Slower than RAM for data access

ROM is an essential component in many electronic devices, providing a stable and permanent storage solution for critical system data and instructions.

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The Dark Allure of Gold Man's lust for gold

 The allure of gold has captivated humanity for millennia, manifesting in myths, exploration, conflict, and art. This fascination, often termed "gold fever," is deeply ingrained in various aspects of human history and psychology. Here’s a deeper look into the dark allure of gold and mankind's enduring lust for it:

### Historical Significance

1. **Ancient Civilizations:**

   - **Egyptians:** Gold was central to ancient Egyptian culture, symbolizing eternity and the divine. The pharaohs were often buried with vast amounts of gold, believing it would aid their journey in the afterlife.

   - **Incas and Aztecs:** These civilizations revered gold, considering it the sweat of the sun. The Spanish conquest, driven by the quest for gold, led to the fall of these great empires and significant suffering.

2. **The Gold Rushes:**

   - **California Gold Rush (1848-1855):** This event attracted hundreds of thousands of people to California, seeking fortune. While it led to rapid development, it also caused environmental destruction and displacement of Native Americans.

   - **Klondike Gold Rush (1896-1899):** Similarly, this rush in the Yukon brought wealth to some but hardship to many more, highlighting the relentless and often ruthless pursuit of gold.

### Psychological and Social Impact

1. **Symbol of Wealth and Power:**

   - Gold has long been a symbol of wealth, status, and power. It is a universal indicator of prosperity, often seen in jewelry, currency, and trophies.

2. **Greed and Corruption:**

   - The desire for gold has led to numerous instances of greed and corruption. From the brutal conquests of the Spanish conquistadors to modern-day illegal mining, the quest for gold often brings out the worst in humanity.

3. **Economic Stability:**

   - Historically, gold has been a standard for currency, with many nations backing their money with gold reserves. While it provided economic stability, it also led to exploitation and conflict over gold-rich territories.

### Environmental and Ethical Concerns

1. **Mining Impact:**

   - Gold mining is notoriously harmful to the environment. It involves deforestation, water pollution from toxic chemicals like cyanide and mercury, and significant land degradation.

2. **Human Rights Issues:**

   - In many parts of the world, gold mining is associated with poor working conditions, child labor, and exploitation. Small-scale miners, often working in hazardous conditions, face health risks and economic instability.

### Modern-Day Relevance

1. **Investment:**

   - Gold remains a popular investment, considered a safe haven during economic instability. However, this demand continues to drive environmentally and socially damaging mining practices.

2. **Technological Use:**

   - Gold's properties make it valuable in technology, particularly in electronics and medical devices. This industrial demand contributes to its ongoing extraction.

### Cultural Reflections

1. **Art and Literature:**

   - Gold is a frequent motif in art and literature, symbolizing both human ambition and moral corruption. From Greek myths like the story of King Midas to modern novels and films, gold often serves as a metaphor for the double-edged nature of wealth.

2. **Religious and Philosophical Symbolism:**

   - Gold's incorruptibility and luster have made it a symbol in many religions and philosophies. It represents purity, enlightenment, and the eternal, but also the danger of materialism and avarice.

### Conclusion

The dark allure of gold reflects the complex relationship humans have with this precious metal. It is a story of ambition, beauty, and wealth, but also of greed, destruction, and moral downfall. Understanding this duality is crucial as we navigate the ethical and environmental challenges posed by our ongoing fascination with gold.

When it comes to the distribution and sources of gold on Earth, here are some of the key places where this precious metal can be found

1. Gold mines - Most of the world's accessible gold comes from underground and surface mines. Major gold mining regions include

   - Witwatersrand Basin (South Africa)

   - Nevada (United States)

   - Siberia (Russia)

   - Red Lake (Canada)

   - Western Australia

2. Rivers and streams - Erosion and weathering can cause gold particles and nuggets to be carried away from their original sources into waterways. Placer mining from rivers and streams has yielded significant gold deposits.

3. Oceanic crusts and sea floors - While difficult to access, there are trace amounts of gold dissolved in seawater and embedded in volcanic crusts on the ocean floor.

4. Asteroid and meteorite impacts - Some of the gold found on Earth's surface may have extraterrestrial origins from ancient asteroid/meteorite bombardment.

5. Recycled sources - A significant amount of gold supply comes from recycling jewelry, electronics, and industrial scrap containing gold components.

6. Ore deposits - Gold is often found combined with other metals like copper or silver in various ore bodies formed underground.

While gold is relatively widespread across the planet, only a few locations have economically viable concentrations to support large-scale mining operations. Most of the world's gold has been extracted from just a handful of exceptionally prolific gold fields and deposits.

"Man's lust for gold" is a phrase that encapsulates humanity's age-old obsession and unquenchable desire for the precious yellow metal. This lust has driven people to incredible lengths throughout history, shaping economies, sparking conflicts, and altering the course of civilizations. 

Gold More than just a precious metal, gold has held a special allure for humans since ancient times. Its rarity, beauty, and malleability have made it a symbol of wealth, power, and status across cultures.

From the ancient Egyptian pharaohs' gilded tombs to the frenzied California Gold Rush, from the insatiable hoarding of dragons in folklore to the modern-day trading of gold as a hedging asset

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Gold Bonding Wires in Electronics

 Gold bonding wires are thin filaments made of gold that are used to create electrical connections in various electronic devices and integrated circuits (ICs). These wires play a crucial role in the packaging and assembly of semiconductor devices. Here are some key points about gold bonding wires:

1. Material: Gold is the preferred material for bonding wires due to its excellent electrical conductivity, corrosion resistance, and ductility, which allows it to be drawn into extremely thin wires without breaking.

2. Diameter: Gold bonding wires typically have diameters ranging from 18 to 33 micrometers (μm), which is around 1/5 to 1/3 the thickness of a human hair.

3. Bonding Process: The bonding process involves attaching one end of the gold wire to a bond pad on the semiconductor chip (ball bond) and the other end to a lead frame or substrate (wedge bond). This creates an electrical connection between the chip and the package.

4. Ball Bonding and Wedge Bonding: Two common techniques used for bonding are ball bonding and wedge bonding. In ball bonding, a ball is formed at the end of the wire using heat and pressure, and then bonded to the chip. In wedge bonding, the wire is pressed against the bonding surface using ultrasonic energy or thermosonic energy.

5. Fine Pitch Bonding: As semiconductor devices become smaller and more complex, the bond pads on the chips are spaced closer together, requiring finer pitch bonding capabilities. Gold bonding wires are capable of being bonded at extremely fine pitches.

6. Reliability: Gold's resistance to corrosion and oxidation ensures reliable electrical connections over the lifetime of the electronic device, even in harsh environments.

7. Applications: Gold bonding wires are widely used in the packaging of integrated circuits, microprocessors, memory chips, and various other electronic components and devices, including those used in consumer electronics, computers, telecommunications, and aerospace applications.

Gold bonding wires play a vital role in enabling the miniaturization and high-density packaging of modern electronic devices, ensuring reliable electrical connections and facilitating the integration of complex semiconductor components.

Gold bonding wire is considered the single most important application of gold in terms of tonnage of gold utilized per annum.

Wire bonding is a technique used to join very fine gold wire (usually thinner than a human hair at 10–200 µm) from one connection pad to another, thus completing the electrical connection in an electronic device. Back in 1957, the process was developed in the Bell Labs in the United States.

Today, literally billions of wires are bonded every year worldwide and most of them are utilized in the integrated circuits (ICs) that are taken for granted in all manners of electronic goods.

Example of Gold Bonding Wire in an Integrated Circuit

Gold has several benefits, which make it the preferred material for bonding wire. These benefits include high electrical conductivity, good corrosion resistance, and the capability to be bonded in position in an ambient environment. Gold remains the most popular metal for bonding wire and is specially refined to high purity (999.99% gold). Users can refer to the UtiliseGold Directory, for suppliers of the gold bonding wire.

How Gold Bonding Wire is Used?

Basically, there are two forms of wire bonds—ball bonds and wedge bonds. Gold wire can be bonded in the shape of a ball or a wedge, making it highly versatile. The basic process for making a gold wire bond is described below.

A small flame or spark is used to locally melt the ends of the gold wire in order to form a spherical ball that has roughly twice the diameter of the wire.

The spherical ball is thermosonically welded to a metalized pad on the semiconductor.

A wire loop is developed, as the bonding capillary moves across to the contact pad of the circuit board or the device package.

The wire is welded thermosonically to the metalized pad of the device package.

The wire is cut using the sharp edge on the tool, and its length is allowed to protrude to form the subsequent ball.

The continuous quest for cost reduction, smaller components, and increasing system functionality are all competing demands in the electronics sector. To help chip manufacturers and designers to deal with these competing demands, insulated wire bonding technology could be used in the coming days. This involves applying insulation to bare gold bonding wires, thus preventing short circuits, and enabling previously impossible chip designs to be realized.

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Gold wire in RAM IC chip


Gold has been a highly prized metal throughout human history, valued for its beauty, rarity, and unique properties. The use of gold in electronic components, such as RAM (Random Access Memory) integrated circuits (ICs), is a testament to its excellent electrical conductivity and resistance to corrosion. Here's an overview of how gold is made and its applications in the electronics industry.

Mining and Extraction:

  1. Gold is primarily obtained through mining, either from underground mines or surface mines.
  2. The ore containing gold is extracted and then crushed and ground to a fine powder.
  3. Gold is separated from the ore using various techniques, such as cyanide leaching, flotation, or gravity separation.

Refining and Purification: 4. The extracted gold is typically in the form of a concentrated solution or a semi-pure alloy. 5. Refining processes, such as electrolytic refining or Miller process, are used to remove impurities and produce pure gold. 6. The pure gold is melted and cast into bars or other forms for further processing.

Gold Wire Production: 7. Pure gold bars are drawn into thin wires through a process called wire drawing. 8. The gold wire is drawn through a series of progressively smaller dies to reduce its diameter. 9. The wire can be further coated or alloyed with other metals, such as aluminum or beryllium, to enhance its properties for specific applications.

Application in RAM IC Chips: 10. Gold wires are used in RAM IC chips due to their excellent electrical conductivity and resistance to corrosion. 11. The gold wires are bonded to the silicon chip and connected to the external leads or pins, forming electrical connections within the IC package. 12. The use of gold wires ensures reliable and efficient data transfer within the RAM chip, contributing to its overall performance and durability.

Gold's unique properties, including its high electrical conductivity, resistance to corrosion, and ductility, make it an ideal material for use in electronic components like RAM IC chips. While the mining and refining processes can be complex and resource-intensive, the resulting gold wires play a crucial role in ensuring the reliable operation of these essential electronic devices.

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Using gold in the production of IC chips

 Gold wires are commonly used in the construction of random access memory (RAM) integrated circuit (IC) chips, particularly in dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) and static random-access memory (SRAM) chips.

In RAM IC chips, gold wires play a crucial role in establishing electrical connections between the semiconductor die (the silicon chip containing the memory cells and circuitry) and the package leads or substrate. These electrical connections are essential for transferring data and control signals to and from the memory chip.

Here are some specific reasons why gold wires are used in RAM IC chips:

1. Conductivity: As mentioned earlier, gold has excellent electrical conductivity, which is essential for the fast and efficient transfer of data in RAM chips, where speed is critical.

2. Corrosion resistance: The corrosion resistance of gold ensures the long-term reliability of the electrical connections within the RAM chip, even in harsh environments or over extended periods.

3. Wire bonding process: The wire bonding process used in RAM chip assembly often involves ball bonding or wedge bonding techniques, which work well with gold wires due to their ductility and bondability.

4. Reliability and signal integrity: The use of gold wires helps maintain signal integrity and reduces the risk of signal loss or distortion, which is crucial for the proper functioning of RAM chips.

5. Thermal stability: Gold wires exhibit good thermal stability, which is important as RAM chips can generate heat during operation, and the electrical connections must remain stable under varying temperature conditions.

While the use of gold wires increases the manufacturing cost of RAM chips, their superior properties make them a preferred choice, particularly for high-performance, high-reliability, and mission-critical applications, such as server memory, military and aerospace systems, and other demanding environments.

It's worth noting that, in some cases, alternative materials like copper or aluminum may be used for cost-saving purposes in less demanding applications, but gold remains the material of choice for high-end RAM IC chips.

The use of gold in the production of integrated circuit (IC) chips is a crucial aspect of the semiconductor manufacturing process. Gold plays several important roles in IC chip fabrication due to its exceptional properties, such as high electrical conductivity, resistance to corrosion, and malleability. Here are some key applications of gold in IC chip production:

1. Wire bonding: Gold wires are used to create electrical connections between the semiconductor die (the active component of the chip) and the package leads or bonding pads. This process, known as wire bonding, is essential for establishing electrical pathways between the chip and the external circuitry. Gold is preferred for wire bonding due to its excellent conductivity and resistance to corrosion.

2. Metallization: Gold is used as a metallization layer in certain IC chips, particularly in high-performance and high-reliability applications. Gold metallization layers serve as interconnects, carrying electrical signals between various components within the chip. Gold's exceptional electrical conductivity and resistance to electromigration (the gradual movement of metal atoms in conductors due to high current densities) make it a suitable choice for these critical interconnects.

3. Bonding pads: Gold is often used to create bonding pads on the chip surface. These pads provide connection points for wire bonding or flip-chip bonding, allowing the chip to be electrically connected to the package or substrate.

4. Electroplating: Gold electroplating is sometimes used as a final step in the IC chip manufacturing process. A thin layer of gold is deposited on the chip surface, providing protection against corrosion and improving the electrical properties of the chip.

5. Soldering and die-attach: Gold-based solders or conductive adhesives are sometimes used for die-attach processes, where the semiconductor die is attached to a package or substrate. Gold's high thermal conductivity and resistance to oxidation make it suitable for these applications.

It's important to note that while gold is widely used in IC chip production, its usage is typically limited to small amounts due to its high cost. Manufacturers often aim to minimize the amount of gold used while still meeting the necessary performance and reliability requirements. Additionally, alternative materials, such as copper or aluminum, are sometimes used in certain applications to reduce manufacturing costs.

Some people have different opinions on the reasons for using gold in the manufacture of IC chips.

Yes, there are some disadvantages of using gold in computer chips. Gold is an expensive material, which makes it difficult for computer chips to be mass produced. Additionally, gold is a soft material, and it can be easily damaged or corroded, which can lead to decreased performance over time.

Oxidation: Gold is generally resistant to corrosion, but it can still oxidize under certain conditions, which can affect the performance of the chip over time.

Thermal conductivity  Gold is not as thermally conductive as some other metals, such as copper. This can cause heat buildup in the chip, which can lead to reliability issues and even damage the chip over time.

Bonding issues Gold bonding wires can be difficult to work with, and can break or become detached during the manufacturing process, leading to defects in the chip.

Complexity  Using gold in computer chips can make the manufacturing process more complex, requiring additional steps and specialized equipment, which can increase production costs.

Accessibility Gold is not always accessible or easily repairable. In cases where chips need to be serviced or repaired, using gold can make the process more difficult and expensive.

It's worth noting that some of these potential disadvantages may be mitigated through proper design and manufacturing techniques. Additionally, gold is still used in certain specialized applications where its unique properties may be advantageous, despite the potential drawbacks.

Maybe in the future gold may not be needed in production if better and cheaper materials are available.

Extracting gold from old computer parts can be done, but it involves using chemicals and processes that require proper safety precautions. Here are some typical steps for extracting gold from electronic waste:

1. Disassembly

First, the computer components like circuit boards, RAM, CPUs need to be manually disassembled to separate the metal-containing parts from plastic casings.

2. Shredding/Pulverizing

The metal-containing components are then shredded or pulverized into a fine powder/dust to increase surface area exposure.

3. Acid Leaching

The pulverized material is treated with acid solutions like aqua regia (nitric + hydrochloric acids) or cyanide leaching to dissolve and separate the gold from the other metals.

4. Filtration 

The acid solution containing the dissolved gold is filtered to remove solid contaminants.

5. Precipitation

Chemical precipitants like sodium metabisulfite or ferrous sulfate are added to cause the gold to precipitate out as solid particles from the filtered acidic solution.

6. Refining

The gold precipitate is further refined by melting/smelting processes to remove remaining impurities and extract pure gold metal.

A few important notes:

- These processes use extremely hazardous acids/chemicals requiring proper ventilation and safety gear.

- Cyanide leaching is highly toxic and tightly regulated due to environmental risks.

- Acids like aqua regia can dissolve many metals, not just gold, so purification is critical.

- The amount of gold recovered may be minimal compared to the effort required.

While possible, extracting gold from e-waste at home is generally not recommended due to safety risks. Industrial e-waste recycling facilities have proper equipment and controls for this process.

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tips for prospecting and testing for gold in streams and rivers around

 tips for prospecting and testing for gold in streams and rivers around .

Look for areas with coarse gravels, sand and black sands. Gold is heavy and tends to concentrate where the water flow slows down, like inside bends of the river.

Pan the gravels and sands. Use a gold pan and swirl the materials in the water, letting the lighter rocks and sands wash over the side while the heavier black sands and any potential gold concentrate in the bottom.

Check for flakes or small nuggets of gold in the black sands after panning. Gold has a distinctive bright yellow color even in very small amounts.

Look for quartz veins or other signs of mineralization exposed in the stream banks or river bottoms. Gold is often associated with quartz.

Research if there are any known historical gold mining areas nearby, as gold is more likely to occur in streams/rivers downstream of previous mining sites.

Use tools like a gold snuffer bottle or gold panning test kit to further test suspicious concentrates from panning for the presence of gold.

Start slowly panning different areas and get a feel for what the typical rocks and sands look like in your region before getting excited about potential gold finds. With practice, any real gold concentrations will stand out. Going prospecting with someone experienced is also very helpful early on.

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How to recycle gold and silver from cpu computer scrap Old CPU Scrap Gold Value

How to recycle gold and silver from cpu computer scrap  Old CPU Scrap Gold Value youtube Subscribe to this ►►► https://goo.gl/9...