Your old phone may be more valuable than you think.


Your old phone may be more valuable than you think.

Electrical waste - including mobile phones, TVs and computers – is thought to contain as much as seven per cent of all the world's gold. The precious metal is a component within the circuit boards of mobile phones

mobile phone battery swollen

Getting gold from mobile phone parts involves a complex and specialized process, typically carried out by professional recycling facilities. Mobile phones contain very small amounts of gold, often in the form of thin plating on connectors, pins, and components. Here's a general outline of the process:

Collection and Dismantling: Collect old or discarded mobile phones and dismantle them to separate various components. This can involve removing the casing, circuit boards, connectors, chips, and other parts.

video our old phone may be more valuable than you think.

Sorting and Preprocessing: Sort the components by material type. Separate the circuit boards, which are likely to have gold-plated pins and connectors. Remove any batteries and other hazardous materials.

Removal of Gold-Plated Components: The focus will be on the gold-plated components, such as connectors and pins. These components are carefully removed from the circuit boards. Manual or automated methods can be used for this step.

Mobile phones arent all that hard to recover gold from. Its a little bit more tedious but not hard. Let's say you got a box of phones. First thing is take a look at what you got. Are any of them newer expensive phones? Even a busted iphone is worth more in spare parts that aren't busted than its precious metal content. Keep your eyes open for memory cards also. Throw sim cards in a box you'll process them seperatly. Youll want to strip the phones down. Completely disassemble them. This is the time consuming part.

If you have old cell phones or electronic devices you want to recycle, it's best to find a reputable electronic waste recycling center that follows proper procedures for handling and recycling electronic waste. These centers have the expertise and equipment to safely recycle and recover valuable materials from electronic devices while minimizing environmental impact.

It's crucial to note that extracting gold from mobile phone parts requires expertise, safety precautions, and proper equipment due to the presence of potentially hazardous materials and chemicals. Improper handling of electronic waste can harm the environment and pose health risks. As such, it's strongly recommended to leave this process to professionals who are experienced in e-waste recycling and precious metal recovery.

Attempting to recover gold from mobile phone parts without the necessary knowledge and equipment can be dangerous and may not yield significant amounts of gold due to the minimal gold content in individual components. Responsible recycling and disposal of electronic waste are always recommended to protect the environment and human health.

Remove ell of the gold plated connectors from the boards. The spots where the memory cards and sim cards st. The little comnectors where antennas or wires connected. Put all that gold plated stuff in their own bin or box. Your biggest prize is going to be the camera sensor if the phone had one. Newer phones have two! These guys have solid gold bonding wites connecting to the ccd chip. 

Cell phone cameras are pieces that contain more gold than other parts because Cell phone cameras currently have more than one camera in a Cell phone.

If you're referring to the use of gold in mobile phones, it's important to note that gold is commonly used in various electronic devices, including mobile phones, due to its excellent conductivity and resistance to corrosion. However, it's not typically used as a primary structural material in modern smartphones.

Here are a few ways in which gold is commonly used in mobile phones:

Connectors and Contacts: Gold is an excellent conductor of electricity and doesn't corrode easily, making it ideal for connectors and contacts within mobile phones. It's often used in SIM card slots, charging ports, and other components that require reliable electrical connections.

Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs): Thin layers of gold are sometimes used to coat specific areas of PCBs to enhance conductivity and ensure good connections between components.

Coatings for Aesthetics: Some high-end or luxury smartphones may have gold plating or accents for aesthetic purposes. This is more about the visual appeal and luxury aspect rather than a functional use of gold.

Internal Components: While not a primary material, gold can be found in small amounts in various electronic components within smartphones, such as chips, integrated circuits, and memory modules.

Electroplating: Gold can be used for electroplating other metals to improve their conductivity or resistance to corrosion.

It's worth mentioning that the amount of gold used in a single smartphone is relatively small, and the primary use is for its electrical properties rather than being a major structural component.

If you're interested in a specific Samsung mobile phone model that features gold accents or colors, please provide more information so I can assist you further. Keep in mind that product offerings can change over time, and my knowledge is based on information available up until September 2021.

Your biggest prize is going to be the camera sensor if the phone had one. Newer phones have two! - 4 These guys have solid gold bonding wites connecting to the ccd chip.

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